Latitude 40: Redesigning tourism on a small island

The pull of the mutton bird - Lois Ireland

Dianne Dredge Season 1 Episode 4
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00:00 | 27:09

Lois Ireland shares her unique family heritage on Flinders Island as a member of the third generation of the Bowman family owning and running the general store.  Lois reflects on the "pull of the mutton bird" that has drawn her and others back to live on the Island in Bass Strait.
Lois describes the sort of visitor she’d like to see on the Island,"people who come with a genuine interest in finding out about how the place ticks … someone who's got an inquiring mind and is interested in what happens ... more like your family visitor than a tourist who just comes and takes the last fish.

Lois believes the Island's negative experience with tourism several years ago has served as a catalyst for regenerative tourism.  Feeling the effects of an excessive number of people with their boats and campervans who descended on the Island, Lois says locals felt affronted by visitors who were not respectful of their environment and community.

Lois talks about the inevitability of change and the need for the community to embrace change, to shape the future of the Island, to control their own future, and guide government decisions.

Show notes and links
Bowman's General Store Celebrating 100 years' in The Tasmanian Tuxedo, 4 November 2021|
Muttonbirds or the short-tailed shearwater, The Muttonbirds of Bass Strait, CSIRO (1956) I
Songlines of the Moonbird, TasEducation, 14 March 2014 |
Furneaux Museum |
Interstate Hotel, Whitemark |

This podcast is created for Designing Tourism by Debbie Clarke and Josie Major from GOOD Awaits. Audio Production is by Clarrie Macklin. Check out their podcast:
Music by Judy Jacques, The Mesmerist; Wybalenna Prayer  from Making Wings  © 2002 with kind permission of the artist.
Extract from the Islander Way read by Jana Monnone co-created by the local community with Brand Tasmania as part of the Flinders Island brand story.
Original photography by Sammi Gowthorp.
The Islander Way project is funded by the Tasmanian Government. We also acknowledge our partners, Flinders Council, Visit Northern Tasmania and The Tourism CoLab and the support of Flinders Island Business Inc.

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